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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Different Types of Writing

Different Types of Writing

Effective writing begins with knowing and understanding which type of writing you are going to do. There are different types of writing, and each type may require constructing paragraphs in different ways. Decide the type of writing you are going to do.


In exposition, a writer reveals what he or she thinks, knows, or believes. It explains complex or difficult concepts; helps readers understand a topic. Exposition is constructed and organized logically around the following:

Assertion and denial

State what is true and what is false, and explain.

Cause and effect

Ask the question “Why?” and then supply the answer.


Define or explain a difficult concept in simple or layman terms for easier understanding.

General and particular

Begin with the general, and then add details with explanation and examples.

Positive and negative

Analyze and compare the advantages and disadvantages, or the positive and negative aspects of two or more ideas or things.


In description, a writer deals with perceptions, especially visual perceptions. It gives readers a clear mental image of an object or event. Description follows a spatial pattern, and a general sequence, such as the following:

Above and below

Before and after

Right and left


In narration, a writer tells a story. It gives the readers a clear understanding image of what happened in sequence over time. Narration uses words and phrases describing time relationships, such as yesterdaythen, and next. Most narration will include description as well.


In persuasion, a writer seeks to change how readers believe or think. Persuasion employs the following strategies:

Arguments: presenting evidence and logical proof

Eloquence: appealing to general ideals and noble sentiments

Satire: making fun of something or someone in order to make the readers see the absurdity

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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